Saturday, October 20, 2007

Unfrequent flyer

I was supposed to spend this weekend in Montreal, trying to communicate in French and exploring the charms of the north. However, when faced with the reality of boarding a plane to visit a rainy city alone, I decided that I would rather spend the weekend in the comfort of my beloved San Francisco.

It was a nice day, consisting of a relatively good workout, a picnic in the park with Gymnocent, a phone convo with SameBrain and some moderate house cleaning. And I do mean moderate.

I'll be meeting up with Bill Paxton and Roommates A & J in a bit. I'm taking Gymnocent out of the Castro and introducing him to other areas of the city. It's the least I can do - the poor boy is all Castro'ed out but he doesn't know what lies beyond the giant rainbow flag.

I'm feeling good about spending this weekend in San Francisco. I'll be traveling a lot in the next few weeks, so being grounded isn't too bad. Plus, it's supposed to be sunny and warm tomorrow - I have to take advantage of that before the cold rains of the winter!

1 comment:

jboogie said...

So boy crazy! I'm talking about me, which means I'm talking about you.