Sunday, March 8, 2009

It's her birthday! It's her birthday!

A sunny Sunday and a "gospel" brunch apparently make for a pretty dangerous combination, as evidenced by what I witnessed this afternoon. Puppy, Gerbil and I met up for a brunch fundraiser for friends who are participating in the AIDS/LifeCycle this summer. And although we were warned against trying the breakfast pizza with fried eggs on top, Puppy really enjoyed his.

The restaurant and bar were packed with people, dancing, wearing drag, having fun and drinking cocktails. Lots of cocktails.

Before it was even 4 o'clock, we witnessed three separate incidents of bar patrons being over-served.

1) The friend of a friend who seemed unable to keep his eyes open, sit down without swaying, keep a drink in his hand or refrain from "dancing." Two friends escorted him out.

2) The girl who puked on the balcony and had three friends dragging her lifeless body through the bar, explaining "It's her birthday!" as if that made it okay to be passing out at 3pm.

3) The boy who was passing out roses to people in the bar, toppling into everyone around him. He too was dragged out by a companion.

And for once, I was not drinking, so I got to witness it all and I made it outside on my own, without the assistance of my friends!

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