Monday, March 23, 2009


I learned today that ABC is trying to "re-imagine" the '80s series V, which was about lizard-like aliens who tried to take over Earth, disguised as humans. The mini-series and subsequent television show were both fascinating and frightening to me as a child and I remember being a fierce follower of its mythology.

From the creepy skin-peeling, the green blood, the eating of rodents and the quickly evolving "star child," the show's special effects spurred my young imagination fueled my and my friends' playground shenanigans. We imagined that we were either the dastardly aliens or the noble resistance fighters, but mostly we imagined that we were wearing red jackets with exaggerated shoulders and gray-tinted, oversized sunglasses.

I'm curious to see what the new series dreams up but I'm doubtful it will stand up to the holiest of all re-imagined series, Battlestar Galactica.

1 comment:

Gleemonex said...

Well ... good luck with that.

Unless it's being done by the Galactica folks, I can't imagine how it can be any good.