Thursday, March 12, 2009

Pick and pack

I just returned to my hotel after a very, very long day. After spending a few hours at the regional office, I had the opportunity to tour one of our distribution centers. Since I was a special guest from "corporate," I was asked to stand in front of all the workers, explain my role and tell them about our company's commitment to environmental sustainability. To my surprise, they actually seemed pretty interested and impressed at the statistics I shared with them, illustrating the number of trees they saved from the number of tons of corrugated cardboard they recycled in 2008.

The distribution center is enormous. Miles and miles of conveyor belts whizzing all around, shuttling plastic "totes" around. Almost all of it is automated and bottles of pills plop accurately into the toes as they make their way to the shipping station. The hundred or so workers mostly filled totes with bottles of pharmaceuticals (picked and packed), scanning barcodes and hurrying down aisles to fulfill the requested amount of product.

These folks are the heart of the company. Truly hard-working, honest people. And I know they're honest because they're surrounded by millions of dollars of pharmaceuticals every night. And because everyone had to undergo drug testing and a background check before employment.

It was fascinating to see it all in action and I'm glad I had the opportunity to visit a DC during the hectic night shift. But I'm totes tired and so ready for bed.


freight forwarding companies said...

collection and packaging of execution services they need to make sure they choose a company that specializes in their particular area. Confidence in an outside company to fulfill orders and handle quality control is a wise decision, but only if the company knows the ins and outs of each product that will disappear. If a company wants every item to reach their customers the best possible condition, they must ensure it is processed by a company that knows the proper way to take care of it.

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