Friday, August 28, 2009

Artistic license

Yesterday evening, Puppy, Roommates A&J, Lucy Ricardo, Mahogany Sparkle, Lezzie N and I joined a big crowd of hipsters, gays and other assorted SF wildlife at an exhibit of photographs by our friend Rayza. The collection of photos was pretty small, but it was cool to see some familiar faces on the walls of the gallery. And of course it was just a good excuse to get together and partake in free wine!

During the reception, five women and one man - dressed in Old Navy tighty-whities and tank tops - shuffled along the perimeter of the floor, did weird gyrations in the window and hopped up and down on some chairs, all while making scary faces. I suppose it was an art installation of some type, but I didn't really understand what I was supposed to take from the experience.

Many members of the crowd watched with great interest and others, like myself, stood confusedly and scratched our heads.

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