Thursday, August 27, 2009


Another way last night hearkened back to my high school days was the theme at Booty Call Wednesdays: Gangsta Chola Bandanna Splash Epilepsy! Okay, so that's probably not the official name of the theme, but I decided it would suffice.

Juanita MORE had teased and freezed her hair to the heavens and gang-type bandannas were everywhere. It was as if half the girls from my high school decided to throw a party at the bar. It reeked of aqua net and magnum markers.

Roommates A&J, Lezzies N&P, Mahogany Sparkle, GarGar, Puppy and I were at the bar celebrating Kitten's birthday last night. Selives had flown up from LA in his finest work outfit. PorkChop, Beetle and Mattress were also there, in support of Mattress's first night as a tranny go-go dancer, in character as Tess Tickle. She swayed gently on the makeshift stage while elegantly sipping her beverage.

Since I'm a working panda, Puppy and I left just as the festivities were getting started. I understand Kitten disappeared, Selives lost his phone and someone may have ended up sleeping on the streets. Obviously, some folks took the chola theme a bit too literally.

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