Tuesday, February 19, 2008

California cuisine

I always eat well when members of the Swerve are in town, and last night was no different. IronWoman remains in the Bay Area until tomorrow, so I journeyed over to the East Bay for some home-cooked chili and cornbread, courtesy of Shotgun.

By no means am I a culinary panda, so people who can whip up a hearty meal using fresh, available ingredients always impress me. Moreover, when they introduce an unusual spin on an old favorite - like bits of green garlic to complement the sweet cornbread flavor - I can be downright flabbergasted! This, however, seems to be at the heart of Bay Area eating, and since Shotgun did a stint in the kitchen of Chez Panisse, it's no wonder she's a marvel with the cooking.

And to top it all off, we had cupcakes from Miette for dessert! Last night's dinner was a real treat on so many levels besides the delicious food and I'm lucky that I get one more meal with IronWoman before she returns to the East Coast...

1 comment:

Gleemonex said...

I understand all of that was good, but you waited till the last paragraph to mention the Miette cupcakes? For shame.