Thursday, April 3, 2008

Tea time

At every factory we visit, management offers us tea. I learned early on that factory managers don't take it very well if you decline. They don't say anything outright, but their slightly shocked expressions and arched eyebrows kind of give it away.

Thus, I've learned to accept a cup of tea at each meeting and I've become glad that I do. I've been able to sample a bunch of different delicious teas. I've had jasmine, lemon, chai, lemon chai and probably a few others.

No matter how caffeinated I am, I no longer refuse a nice, hot cup of chai. Especially since Starbucks has yet to make it to this country.

1 comment:

Gleemonex said...

I'm not a big tea drinker (doesn't pack enough caffeinated punch), but I bet the stuff you're getting there is goooood.

Funny, though -- as big a caffeine freak as I am in regular life, I'm worse when I'm traveling. GIMME IT NOW PLZ KTHXBAI. You shoulda seen me in France. Cafe au lait, bitchezzz!