Sunday, June 29, 2008

Priding it up: day 2

I woke up this morning with chocolate under my fingernails. Apparently, I made my way though the Pink Saturday party in the Castro while stuffing my face with a double chocolate cookie last night. I'm sure I must have been a sight to behold: a drunk panda wearing suspendered pants, stumbling through the street and inhaling a cookie!

The details of Saturday evening are pretty fuzzy, thanks to an afternoon pool party in my backyard. A bar had decided to sponsor a pool party and I was the beneficiary of free-flowing alcohol and party guests whose bodies revealed that they clearly don't indulge in ice cream as much as I do.

Needless to say, after the party I was pretty tipsy so when I met up with Roommates A&J, Mattress and Selives in the Castro, I was already in rare form. So rare, in fact, that I passed out by 10 o'clock last night!

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