Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Round two

I had a minor heart attack yesterday when I received an email from the corporate recruiter at my new company. In the message, she said that my pre-employment screen results had come in and she asked me to call her.

After an hour of panic (My mind raced to think of anything that could have emerged through the screen, and it came up with excuses to address every possible scenario.), I bit the bullet and called the recruiter back. Well, it turns out that my drug test sample was indeed too diluted and did not yield any results. Thus, I needed to take the test again - within 24 hours.

The recruiter also warned me that two diluted samples counts as a failed test, so she warned me against hydrating too much. Instead, I was to find the balance that produced an adequate amount of urine, but that would be suitable for testing.

So this morning I made my way back to the little drug testing lab, sat in the grimy waiting room for 45 minutes, and submitted a sample. The lab technician assured me that the lab should be able to use this morning's sample, so I hope this testing boondoggle is dunzo.

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