Friday, July 18, 2008

Alphabet soup

As is true in all organizations, my new company has its fair share of acronyms. Every day, I find myself in a meeting, scratching my head and wondering what a certain group of three letters refers to.

Every work environment has its unique acronyms (From my own work experience, the following are loaded with meaning: CLC, CSR, BR, TQM, GID, CEB, MLC, MEC, WAF, BSR, SRS, SRT... And this is just the very beginning of a tremendous list.) and I find that I'm adding two or three every day to my workplace lexicon.

What's amusing to me is that every place I've worked seems to think it's the worst offender. But I don't think that's true. I think it's just a by-product of the workplace and our need to share a common language.


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