Monday, July 28, 2008

¡feliz cumpleaños!

Saturday was Blanca's birthday, thus necessitating a celebration! Mattress and Beetle were gracious enough to lend their beautiful backyard for the Mexican fiesta-themed party.

Panda!!!! may have partaken in a bit too much of the tequila-loaded margaritas because I ended up leaving on the very early side to gorge myself and pass out. But before the blackout, I do remember several highlights:

* A surprise visit from Selives, who had driven from LA with his brother
* Blanca's mother and friend arriving boisterously with mustaches, sombreros and maracas
* Mattress donning an Esther Williams get-up and parading around in a swimsuit and heels
* Taunting Mahogany Sparkle about Whitney Houston's washed-up vocal chords
* Grinding up smarties so that it looked like someone was doing illicit drugs on the table
* Blanca wailing at a burro pinata to liberate all the little bottles of alcohol from within
* Beetle's delicious ranch-based chicken-cheese dip, inspired by his sister's recipe
* Chatting with Puppy's friend, who was relaxing in an adjoining yard

After Puppy and I left the festivities early, we stumbled to the diner where Puppy ordered poutine. Seeing as it was neither Canada nor on the menu, he provided strict instructions on how they could approximate the dish. I'm not sure if what emerged was as close to the original as he hoped, but he gobbled it up while I stabbed at one gravy-soaked french fry with a coffee stirrer.

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