Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Dore disaster

The fallout from Blanca's birthday led to Sunday, otherwise known as "The Great Dore Alley Disaster of 2008." It all began innocently enough, with a moderate hangover from the margaritas, so I got out of bed and poured myself a glass of water. Upon returning to bed, I knew something wasn't right, so I scooted to the bathroom where I proceeded to puke. Good morning!

After gathering myself for the day, I met Chocolate Thunder and headed over to Kitten's house, where a little pre-Dore Alley party was in the works. Mahogany Sparkle brought Roommates A&J, and I dutifully avoided the alcohol. But after eating a few pineapple-infused sausages, I reached for the champagne and we headed for the festivities.

Our group was rather large, so along the way we lost GarGar and Kitten, but we had Puppy and Periwinkle at our side. We fought our way through the crowds of fat men in assless chaps and leather harnesses, picked up free tank tops and porn, and indulged in some beers. We saw some folks getting flogged and others pleasuring themselves in relatively pedestrian ways, but it all seemed rather tame for some reason.

Suddenly, we found ourselves in someone's home, several stories above the action in a party where Turtle and his crew were hanging out. At this point, I wasn't feeling well again and I requested that we leave the apartment to go outside again. After several more minutes (Roommate A had to stay to appease a work comrade), we finally made the decision to return to the Castro to visit Beetle.

As soon as I sat at the bar and had a sip of water, I knew all was wrong again. And I headed to the bathroom, where all the day's food decided to make a reappearance. I rinsed my mouth, popped in a piece of gum and walked outside.

It was only 4:30pm, but this panda was dunzo! I spent the rest of the evening watching The Invasion with Puppy, eating pizza and Chinese food and resting my poor, ravaged liver.

1 comment:

jboogie said...

I always vom right when I get home from partying. No hangover that way! Duh.