Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Shoe shine

Now that I'm no longer allowed to wear my gym shoes to work, I've found myself the target of a peddler who was heretofore invisible to me: the shoe-shine man! I'll be the first to admit that I could take much better care of my shoes. In fact, I could take much better care of all my belongings, but I'm a lazy panda.

The shoes I've been wearing to work are nice black leather loafers, approximately six years old, and as scuffed as humanly possible. And today, as I was walking to lunch, a fellow wearing what appeared to be a homeless-chic zoot suit (complete with fedora and pocket square) mumbled to me, "How y'all let your shoes look like that? Y'all come here and I'll shine those like proper."

But I just walked on by. I have no more meetings today and certainly no one is going to be impressed with newly shined shoes if they stay under my desk for the remainder of the afternoon.


Anonymous said...

My favorite shoe shine guy used to walk up to people on Market street, stop a few feet in front of the potential customer, point at their shoes and yell "UH OH!!". I loved that.

Gleemonex said...

Just get 'em shined, Panda. It doesn't hurt, I promise. :-)