Monday, July 21, 2008

Publicity whore

Today the company ran an article on the intranet, announcing my arrival and inviting employees to contact me with their great ideas and their desire to help the company become more environmentally friendly. While it's great to serve as the point person for these efforts, today is my 10th day on the job and I cannot even navigate around the company yet!

I've received e-mails from many excited employees, many with some simple inquiries about how they can get involved (I'm not sure yet, let me get back to you on that...) and others with complaints about company operations (using styofoam cups in Georgia, lack of carpooling options in Pittsburgh, wasting paper in San Francisco).

I'm not sure announcing my position to the entire company was such a great idea. I think I've officially become a suggestion box.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've got a bag of aluminum cans under my desk I'd like to exchange with you for petty cash.

Long Beach Office