Thursday, September 4, 2008

Al fresco feasting

The weather has been so lovely in San Francisco, and last night proved to be too irresistible to stay in. Dyson, GarGar and I went to Ducca for its weekly Wednesday night outdoor barbeque and enjoyed some roast pork and barbeque octopus for dinner. It's become quite a popular attraction, and since they don't take reservations, Dyson and I hovered around tables that looked like they were nearing the completion of their meals and pounced on one as soon as they received their bill. GarGar had just returned from a trip to Spain and Morocco, so it was nice to hear all about his travels while sipping on wine in the cool evening air.

It was Juanita MORE's birthday celebration last night so after dinner we met up with Mahogany Sparkle, Roommates A&J and Blanca, who had been picnicking in Dolores Park. As expected, the celebration was joyous and merry, with free-flowing booze and carefree boys. Kitten and Puppy also showed up, so we spent much time taking glamour shots in the back room, against the Dior-themed backdrop.

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