Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Environmental strategery

In a few hours I'll be presenting my environmental strategy to a group of our company's executives. It's my first big presentation at the new company and I have to admit that I'm a bit nervous.

After catching up on hours of DVR watching last night, and wading through an episode of The Hills where my hatred for Spencer increased twenty-fold, I spent a few more hours conducting research and refining my presentation. Then, I woke up early, made it into the office by 7:30am (not an easy feat for this panda) and continued to tweak my slides.

Essentially, if I can't convince this group to buy into my strategy, and if I can't convince them to consider funding some new initiatives, my job will be really, really dull. At the old company, I would have known the players and been able to socialize my recommendations beforehand. Here, I feel like I'm going in a little blind and I'm not sure what the result will be. Ultimately, though, this is the type of challenge I was looking for when I switched companies, so hopefully things will go my way!

I turned to the stars for some direction, but my horoscope is less than helpful: "Check to make sure that you didn’t already purchase an item before buying. You’ve been so scattered lately that it’s hard to remember."

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