Thursday, September 11, 2008

What's green and sings?

Someone brought a tub of Laffy Taffy and deposited it in our break room. And I seem to be on a mission to personally empty said bin and fill my belly with taffy (mostly of the sour apple variety).

I hadn't had these candies in years, but I've really been enjoying them ... and enjoying the inane jokes on the wrappers. What's 10 letters long and starts with gas? An automobile! What kind of animal is the most talkative? A yak!

And the answer to the title of today's post? Elvis parsley!

1 comment:

The Paralegal said...

too much taffy and you'll be telling the age old classic:

Q: when is it time to go to the dentist?

A: 2:30 (tooth-hurty)