Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Like, omigod! Totally gag me with a spoon

So all day yesterday and today, The Corporation has invested in some training for our department. We're focusing on "executive presence" which essentially means working on our speaking and presentation skills.

Once again, we get to experience the embarrassment of viewing ourselves on camera, critiquing each other's oratory styles and trying not to stutter.

Our trainer, a very energetic woman with a tendency to jump around the room and run around the table, stopped me mid-sentence yesterday and said I talked like a "valley girl." She said that this would change as I age - as my peer group gets older and I no longer surround myself with people who speak with "valley girl" inflections.

Clearly, she has not met my friends and she doesn't realize just how much MTV I watch.


Anonymous said...

since when is an gay lisp considered valley? like, i'm sure...

Mahogany Sparkle said...

I love that lil' trainer ho! She is like totally right!

Gleemonex said...

BAG her FACE! Omigod.