Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Liar liar

Today I was in the elevator with a complete stranger, a petite black lady all dressed in athletic gear (we were at the gym). Without warning, she spun toward me and asked, "Do I look fat?!" and laughed crazily.

"Of course not!" I replied, laughing nervously.

And as the door opened, she responded, "Well, maybe chubby, but I'm not fat! Someone told me I was fat so I had to ask someone who doesn't know me."

The truth is, I sort of did think she was fat. In fact, when we were waiting for the elevator to arrive, I wondered if she might be pregnant. I'm not sure why I felt the need to lie to her, but I did. I simply couldn't bring myself to let her know that, in truth, I did think she was a teensy bit on the plump side.

1 comment:

Gleemonex said...

hhhhow would one even phrase that? I mean ... "Yeah, a little, to be honest" would be the truth, but can you imagine someone's face if you said that to them? FAIL!

Incidentally, people never accost me like that ... you are somehow a magnet for Tha Krazy. I like that about you.