Thursday, March 20, 2008


Last night, Dyson, GarGar and I checked out a relatively new restaurant, Epic Roasthouse which was ... epic. I learned from watching Xanadu last week that one of the nine ancient Greek muses is Calliope, muse of epic history and poetry.

Well, Calliope would be quite proud of Epic Roasthouse with its none-too-subtle decor, portions or prices! The food was quite good, and GarGar's wild mushroom risotto with the ginormous piece of pork belly was impressive. Almost as impressive as the orecchiette mac & cheese (but what mac & cheese isn't good?).

All in all, it was a lovely meal and we discussed our hopes and dreams of luxurious vacations, high-paying jobs and beautiful companions. And afterward, we stopped by Juanita MORE's booty call party, but my appearance was only brief for I had a tummy ache of epic proportions.

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