Saturday, August 30, 2008

Backyard birthday bash

Last night Mattress celebrated his birthday by hosting a big party in his backyard. He and Beetle spent the entire day cooking, stringing up lights and preparing the boozes.

It was a very fun party and I was glad to see and meet so many of Mattress's lovely relatives amongst the usual gaggle of gays. With the fancy new lighting scheme, we learned quickly that turning on lights in the kitchen or bathroom would short-circuit the entire production, rendering the backyard revelers in darkness and silence. Thusly, the upstairs spread was elegantly candle-lit and Beetle encouraged everyone to enjoy their libations outside. And boy did I enjoy my libations! My head hurts just a tad today.

As expected, Beetle's sister's dip was quite the hit. When I searched for a picture, using the key words "chicken cheese ranch spice dip," I learned that the concoction is also known as buffalo chicken dip!

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