Thursday, August 28, 2008

Old boys' network

One of the main differences between my new workplace and the old one is that the old boys' network seems to be alive and well here. Since the old employer was comprised of 70% women, it's no surprise that my current employer has a more distinctly masculine feel.

What I didn't quite expect, however, was that I'd encounter so many comments about women in the workplace. Today, for example, I was riding the elevator with a complete stranger. A man who appeared to be in his sixties, wearing a suit and carrying a leather briefcase. When a pretty woman stepped onto the elevator with us, he turned to me, pointed at her behind her back, and winked.

And this isn't the first time something like this has happened to me. Just the other day, a complete stranger in my building commented on "the great scenery" when an attractive woman walked past us. It's been sort of surprising and I'm not quite sure how to respond.


Gleemonex said...

Ugh, it's like Mad Men up in there. That's gross, dude. You're going to have to do a little speaking up, because silence = compliance. With the elevator incident, I'd advise a blank stare, held a second too long, then a shrug. With the scenery thing, maybe a totally innocent "oh, yeah, they've done such a great job with the marble on these floors," or whatever. Puzzle them, Panda!!!

Panda!!!! said...

I really, really need to start watching Mad Men, especially since its creator went to my undergrad alma mater, apparently!

Lena said...

I second the comment on the marble floors. Uch, I am grossed out.