Tuesday, August 26, 2008

We're sending you to...

MTV has been promoting the hell out of its new show Exiled, which takes bratty, bratty kids from its My Super Sweet 16 series and sends them to spend a week in a developing country. It's kind of the same concept as The Simple Life, but with a more worldly view.

These kids absolutely make me sick. After their indulgent parents spoil them to the point that they're unable to function on their own, they get rewarded with an amazing trip to a foreign country? I realize that these kids see this as a punishment, but I would love the chance to visit all of the places they're being "exiled" to: Thailand, Norway, Kenya, etc.

One brat, in particular, gets sent to Kerala, India, which is one of the most beautiful places I've ever had the great fortune to visit. Granted, I may have stayed in nicer accommodations and I didn't have to do chores with a native Indian family, but seriously, I really hope these little devils realize that they've been given an opportunity that so many people would be thrilled to take.

I'm sort of excited to see Bjorn's episode, where he gets sent to Morocco. That girl was a hot mess at her sweet 16 "fashionista" party. "All eyes on Bjorn!"


Gleemonex said...

Norway is a developing country?

room8J said...

lol @ gleemonex.

Also, let us emphasize that the rhinestoned wonder Bjorn emphatically pronounced his name as "Beh-Jorn".

Panda!!!! said...

Gleemonex, I think parts of our own fair country could qualify as developing!

Lena said...

Kerala is hardly the most hardcore part of India... wah wah wah. I am just jealous - I would love to watch that show. Maybe we need to invest in cable.