Monday, August 25, 2008

Up where they walk, up where they run

Yesterday evening, we assembled a large group to go to the sing-along version of The Little Mermaid at the Castro Theatre. Hundreds of people of all ages attended, many in costumes of their favorite characters. Each person received a goodie bag containing a crown, a fish noise maker, bubbles, a popper/streamer thingy, a dinglehopper, a glow stick and a pearl necklace. Understandably, it was a raucous event and audience participation was in full force.

Before the movie began there was a costume contest and a particularly detailed costume of Ursula was the winner. Somehow, he managed to beat out dozens of Ariels, a handful of Flounders and a little girl who was dressed as Melanie, apparently a character from The Little Mermaid II (I'll have to add that to my netflix queue).

Despite the presence of so many children, the gays weren't exactly on their best behaivor. Prince Eric elicited many sighs and more than one homo screeched whenever King Triton appeared on screen. Beetle and JJ Crackers may have missed most of the movie to do shots of jagermeister and for some reason Mahogany Sparkle felt it necessary to leave approximately seven minutes before the end.


Panda!!!! said...

Don't forget Mahogany Sparkle!

Lena said...

Did I ever tell you about my own one-woman show of TLM when I was about 12? OK, so my brother was Flounder and my sister was Sebastian (ages 4 and 2 or so), but I did all of the lip-syncing to the soundtrack tape. There are photos to prove it...

I am SO JEALOUS that you got to go to such a show.

Panda!!!! said...

Lena, your TLM movie sounds like my French final where I made my sister the cooking assistant of a really lovely French cooking show where I made a chocolate something or other