Thursday, October 16, 2008


A sign in front of the florist at my muni stop read, "Don't forget its bosses day!!!" today - something I not only forgot, but never knew existed in the first place! I wonder how many sycophants acutally scurried over to their local flower shop and presented their superiors with a token of appreciation this morning. Certainly not this panda.

I'm not saying that I dislike my boss. She's fine, but definitely has room to become a better manager and leader. I've always had bosses that I've generally worked well with, but none have ever been inspiring or particularly helpful in developing my skills or my career. In some cases, I've felt like I've been in competition with them and in others, I've felt like their inability to work with their superiors has resulted in a less desirable work environment for me.

But in any case, I've never felt compelled to celebrate my boss and I actually find the notion of "bosses day" to be kind of insulting.


Gleemonex said...

Dude, isn't EVERY day Boss's day?

Unknown said...

I hope your boss doesn't have your blog's URL bookmarked.
What is black and white all over and doesn't have any trace of a brown nose?