Saturday, October 4, 2008

Friday night frights

It's been a long time since I've spent a Friday night going crazy in the Castro, so it's no surprise that I woke up this morning with a banging headache. It all started out innocently enough with a nice dinner to celebrate Chocolate Thunder's birthday. But then we made our way to the bar, where Roommates A&J, Blanca, Lezzies N&P and GarGar were getting their drink on. So, of course one drink turned into many and one bar turned into several. Some of my fuzzy memories include:

* Yelling "Sarah Palin!" at the straight, hot, Republican barback, in the hopes of getting him excited.
* Roommate J taking my straw and poking it into a stripper's bum, only to have the bartender roll his eyes and give me a new one.
* Using Lezzie P's crutches to flag down a cab.
* Visiting Beetle at least three times during the night.
* Making obvious song requests from the DJ.
* Waking up on the couch at 4am with an empty Lean Cuisine tin by my head and the television on.

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