Monday, October 27, 2008

Celeb sighting: If I Had Eyes

Even though I returned to SF from Connecticut just yesterday, I turned around and flew to Chicago this afternoon for work. While waiting to board my plane, I noticed a handsome, tan fellow with close-cropped hair and blue eyes. He was wearing baggy jeans, a green t-shirt and flip flops, sat on the ground by his khaki bag and chatted with a friend.

He sure looked like Jack Johnson, but I wasn't completely sure. I texted a few friends to let them know that I possibly sighted Jack Johnson; Roommate J's response was "What is a Jack Johnson?" So I replied, "Like Jewel but a boy."

Just to confuse me more, he was seated two rows behind me, in economy class, so I thought he couldn't be a celebrity. But later, I overheard (okay, I maneuvered close to eavesdrop) someone ask if he was Jack Johnson ... and he confirmed that he was!


Gleemonex said...

Was he wearing shoes that look like feet?

Panda!!!! said...

I don't even know what that means...

room8J said...

I stand by my original response.

Panda!!!! said...

You're drunk again, aren't you?