Friday, October 17, 2008

You don't have to pass an I.Q. test to be in the Senate

Last night Puppy and I went to see Religulous, the "documentary" that promises to cast doubt on religion while making viewers laugh, Bill Maher-style.

I, myself, was raised without religion (unless you count Saturday school at the Jewish temple, summer camp at the Presbyterian church, elementary school at the Mormon enclave and the occasional Catholic midnight mass) so the quest for understanding doesn't really resonate with me. My family didn't force me to believe stories about men spending time in whales or other men whose wives turned to salt.

I wasn't sure what to expect from the movie, but I think I was hoping for something that would be more thought-provoking and prod the audience to wonder a bit more. Instead, it presented a very one-sided view that religion is absurd and those who believe fully in religious tenets will lead our planet toward self-destruction.

Of course there is good evidence to support Maher's hypotheses, but I would have preferred a more even-handed approach. As it is, I feel like his movie speaks only to those who already side with him and won't provoke a meaningful discussion, as he's expressed is his hope in numerous interviews recently. Nonetheless, it was an entertaining movie with many funny moments. Fortunately, I already share Maher's views so I got the jokes.

*By the way, the quote from today's title comes from U.S. Senator Mark Pryor (Arkansas) who's interviewed in the film.

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