Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The new Seinfeld

With less than two weeks until Election Day, it appears that watercooler conversation has shifted from "Must See TV" topics to increasingly heated political races. As an example, Mattress and Beetle hosted a delicious little dinner gathering last night where most of the conversation centered around Obama, McCain, Prop 8, Measure K and other newsworthy subjects. Where normally the conversation would not stray from topics like trannies, our friends' antics, upcoming parties, reality television, wigs, food and makeup, our conversation last night took a more earnest tone, given these uncertain times.

And the same seems to be true in every other corner of my life. Polite conversation once limited discussion of politics and religion, but exploring both seem to be quite en vogue, whether I'm at home, at work, at the gym or casually walking down the street. And while I'm enjoying the healthy debate, in many ways I'm looking forward to a few weeks from now when the most pressing issues my friends will discuss are the ones we witness on Gossip Girl and The Hills.

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