Thursday, October 9, 2008


This panda is officially out of shape. Yesterday, as part of my new gym membership, I took advantage of a training session where the trainer performed all these tests to determine my fitness level. He used the fat callipers to measure my body fat, performed a cardio test with a heart monitor, took my blood pressure and asked me to perform various stretches and exercises.

I last underwent similar testing a few years ago, and my how things have changed. My body fat percentage has increased about 5 percent, I'm the heaviest I've ever been and my blood pressure has shot up. The only bright spot is that I'm in relatively good aerobic fitness, but I'm sure I'm at a lower level than I was when I used to actually perform aerobic exercise.

During the diagnostic, the trainer asked me a series of questions and I could tell he was horrified when I estimated the number of alcoholic drinks I consume in a week. And I even low-balled my answer! It's diet time...

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