Saturday, November 15, 2008

Discovering Dallas

After eleven hours in the Philadelphia Airport yesterday, I finally got on a flight to Dallas. I landed shortly after 2am, made my way out of the confusing baggage claim area, and managed to drive to find the lovely hotel across the street from the church where TexyLady is getting married.

My first impressions of Dallas are that there are many auto dealerships, strip malls, and very few pedestrians. After a nice brunch, we're sort of struggling for activities to fill our time before the wedding this evening.


Gleemonex said...

You went to Dallas without consulting me? For shame, Panda. For shame.

I hate Dallas, but it's only an hour from my hometown, so I know a few things you'd've enjoyed wasting a few hours on -- I bet you didn't even get to the Texas School Book Depository. [aka JFK museum -- you coulda stood right on the grassy knoll.]

Panda!!!! said...

The grassy knoll was suggested, but we ultimately didn't have much time to explore, what with the wedding and all. We did find a nice brunch spot where the queeney host made us feel right at home!