Friday, November 14, 2008


After busting my ass to get from The Nonprofit's annual conference (where I committed to speaking on a panel this morning) to the airport, I found that my flight to Dallas was delayed. Then cancelled.

A bunch of other flights have been cancelled due to the weather here in Philly. Apparently, visibility is too poor for incoming planes to land, so many have been re-routed elsewhere. But I've noticed other flights landing and taking off with delays, but clearly not all flights have been cancelled. Other airlines are experiencing delays, but for whatever reason, US Airways has a bunch of cancellations. I just wish there were some consistency from airline to airline and flight to flight.

Fortunately for me, I've been put on the next flight out, which gets me into Dallas around 10pm, but at least I will get there tonight. Other passengers haven't been so lucky and many are complaining loudly to the customer service folks and gate agents.

So now I have about four hours to kill in the airport. I wish there had been some way to let me know about this situation because otherwise, I'd have stayed at the conference for a few more hours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get drunk!!!