Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloweekend update

Internets, it was quite a fun, yet productive Halloween weekend. Friday night's party was filled with the usual drunkenness and mischief. Party Hosts Prec and GarGar made quite the lovely Popeye and aerobics instructor, Roommates A&J and Kitten came dressed as the characters from Golden Palace, and discovered their long-lost Dorothy when Dyson showed up as a "sexy grandma."

I'm not going to pretend that I remember everything that happened, but I know that I was ready to leave on the early side and tried, unsuccessfully, to convince the other party-goers to visit Beetle at the bar with me. My night gets pretty fuzzy after that, but I do remember that I made sure to stop by a deli to get a chicken salad sandwich on my way home.

Thanks to Saturday's miserable rainy weather, I managed to do three loads of laundry and to clean my apartment and catch up on some of my DVR'ed shows. Puppy was kind enough to cook a delicious dinner of chicken and dumplings and we made a minor dent in my Netflix queue, but I fell asleep during the flick.

My weekend productivity continued with a visit to the gym (my first in about a week!) yesterday morning before driving out to the 'burbs to visit Gigi and her family. Except for the moment when one of her sons broke down sobbing when he spied a panda in the kitchen, it was a nice visit and a good chance to catch up.

The rest of the weekend wrapped up in typical drunken style with a visit to the bar, where Lucy Ricardo was trying to hide the fact that he lost a tooth. He claims it happened because he bit into a potato chip, but I remain unconvinced. There were no tragic sweater-dress girls to speak of last night, but I'm sure I managed to make quite a spectacle of myself, considering how tipsy I was.

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