Monday, November 17, 2008

Inspection day

It's been a while since my bid on a home was accepted, but now things seem to be moving forward. Today was the day of my home inspection, and fortunately, the building I'm buying into is a new construction.

So I walked through the property with the inspector, looking at all the different structural elements, examining the gauges to turn things like power and gas on and off and running the appliances. When he pulled out his ladder to walk on the roof, however, I decided to stay planted on the ground. And even though it's a new building, the inspector came up with a list of things that should be "improved." Some things will be changed by the seller prior to sale and others are general improvements that are strongly suggested and I'll have to decide whether or not to pursue them.

But as I was going through the inspection today, it hit me that I'm going to be responsible for all of this. I can't expect anyone else to take care of things and if anything goes wrong, I have no one else to blame. I'm not quite sure I'm ready to take this all on!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you can borrow matt for household chores whenever you want!