Monday, November 10, 2008

Tina Fey bandwagon

I have to admit that I jumped on the 30 Rock bandwagon this season after Ms. Tina Fey's compelling Sarah Palin impostinators and I spent some time last night watching this season's episodes. I'd seen a few episodes in the past (including one in particular that played at least six times on my four most recent airplane journeys) and had always found them funny, but I think I have to add this to my regularly scheduled couch-potatoing.

In particular, this season's Oprah episode had me lauging out loud, which is pretty rare for a network comedy.

1 comment:

room8J said...

I kind of think this is the best comedy on TV. We netlixed and watched all of season 2 in like 3 days. MUST SEE TV!