Thursday, November 27, 2008


Since the night before Thanksgiving typically is one of the most fun nights of the year, I was eager to hit the town with my friends. Throbby was in town from New York so I met him, Roommates A&J and Lezzies N&P down at the bar. We hopped around a bit, but of course ended up at Juanita MORE's Booty Call party, which was incredibly crowded. As expected, GarGar and Kitten ended up there as well and we drank a bit too much, took a few photos and celebrated the holiday as gaily as possible.

When it got too crowded and I got too antsy, I went next door where it was equally crowded so I stayed only for one more drink. I caught up with Gymnocent and Turtle, but eventually returned home to eat cheese and crackers while I watched an episode of Friday Night Lights.

And now that it's Thanksgiving, I've been draining my DVR while waiting to get together with my family. I'm looking forward to eating my weight in stuffing!

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