Friday, August 10, 2007

Kill all the yellow flowers!

After last night's Iron Chef competition and dinner (and the after-party in a co-worker's hotel room), Panda!!!! was mighty tired this morning. But I mustered the energy necessary for a few hours of volunteering with the rest of The Corporation U.N. at Chrissy Field.

It was a remarkably sunny and warm day and our task was to remove dandelions from a gigantic field, using tools that resembled shovels and pick-axes. This was not an easy feat, let me tell you. Lots of whacking at the soil, grabbing these nasty little weeds and forcing them, by the roots, out of the soil.

Delusional from our tiring week, one of the delegates from Mexico kept declaring, "In my home country, where I come from, we give these yellow flowers for mothers' day!" Vicky, darling, that's why we have border patrol. To keep loonies like you out of our country!

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