Thursday, August 2, 2007


Last night, my pal Opera let me know that he had to return home for a "last minute wedding" (shotgun??) and that he'd be leaving town today. Opera had been in town for a few days and was scheduled to play for several more before returning to the middle of the country. So, despite my earlier claims that I would forsake the neighborhood watering holes for a night of netflix, I met him out for a beer.

On Wednesday nights, one of the bars hosts a party called "Frathouse" wherein patrons are encouraged to wear collegiate garb. Why are people so intent on re-capturing the "magic" of frat parties? I never really liked them while in college, and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't last very long at one as a growns-up Panda!!!!.

Well Internets, someone likes frat parties because the place was PACKED! It was fun running into GarGar, Sauvage, Prec and other members of their crew, dancing to TRL staples and meeting birthday boys who bought water for patrons. It was also a treat to see "strippers" and the old men who couldn't stop staring at their gyrations. Also of interest was the little person who dressed as a referee with a bullhorn and force-fed beer down patrons' throats through a funnel.

Despite all that, I'm pretty glad that I don't live in a frathouse.

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